Digital Consulting.

Knowing the behavior of the channels will help you to have a significant advantage in relation to your competitors.

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What is the role of digital consultants? Is it really important? Why is it so difficult to succeed in digital environments?.

In we understand that being at the forefront of technology and new markets is really a challenge, which must be analyzed in a timely manner in organizations, since ignoring what the ecosystem variables can lead the organization to make mistakes that It will take time to recover from them.

But what is a digital consulting?
A digital consultancy consists in helping to find possible solutions to the current problems existing in the organization, through the analysis of digital channels, the detection of opportunities and the recommendation of improvement actions that allow correcting errors, generated from digital media or environments. , applying competitiveness strategies in the market.
An example of Consulting performed by our professionals is the review of the Community Manager area process, where the responsibilities of the Community Planner, Community Strategy and the Community Manager are identified. (If you were unaware of the process in the area, I probably needed one of our Consulting)

And what is a digital advice?
The digital advice helps our clients to generate long-term strategies, in the consultations that we carry out, our clients receive complementary information about the public and current generations, the different consumption habits, the motivational aspects and the most viable risk strategies that They will take you to enter the digital world.

We seek that companies do not erase their digital history and we do this through the conceptualization of new terms, current standards, new design and development trends that have been placed on the market by major brands such as Google or Facebook.

How does a digital advice help?
A digital consultancy helps to understand the behavior of consumption and action in the Digital Ecosystems, our consultants have certified experience in the different digital channels, an experience that has been achieved at the academic level since training as Systems Engineers, and at the level Postgraduate from Magister in Digital Marketing and electronic commerce and specialists in Marketing and Online Business Models.

We complement our results with an experience of more than 10 years, focused on the realization of digital projects, such as the creation of web pages, the development of mobile applications and the planning and execution of campaigns through social media channels.

We integrate the 3 main universes.

Our Consultancies and Advisors integrate the 3 main universes in ecosystem management and digital industry.

Area77 integrates all disciplines related to Design, Development and Marketing in all consultancies and consultancies in order to generate an appropriate conceptualization by the teams responsible for the management of digital ecosystems.

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Professional Accompaniment Services

Consulting / Advice
Content Blackboards
Time management and news of announcements (Programmatic)
Content Blackboards
We guide the management of guidelines for content by Social Media.
How to justify digital strategies (Budget Vs Leads)
We recommend the best way to perform remarketing.
Multi platform
Content adaptability on all platforms.
Multi platform
Content adaptability to different platforms.